Mellonath Legolas


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Scrolls of Lore: discussion archives



Below there are the archives of our discussions in No-Thud Legolas Research and Fan Club thread at Tolkien and the Inklings forum at Unfortunately, some time ago has suffered a major problem with their server and as a result most of their archives were lost. Our thread has dissappeared as well; the Chronological Catalogue  has become obsolete and is removed from our site. The Thematic Catalogue is the only one working now. It is linked to the archive backups kept on this site (chosen topic only).

Thematic Catalogue

Club Formalities
-Club Intro and general discussion (p.1)
-Club Charter, Mission Statement, Membership Etc. (p.2)
-Club Titles  (p.3)
-Club matters (p.6)
-Catalogue discussion (p.33)
-Proposed website, thread improvement, diversity and expansion (p.34)
-Proposed website (cont) (p.35)
-Website suggestions (cont) (p.36)
-Website suggestions (cont) (p.37)
-HTML/Frontpage links (p.37)
-Archives backup suggestions (p.37)
-Website suggestions (cont) (p.38)
-FrontPage (cont) (p.38)
-Archives backup (cont) (p.38)
-Website suggestions (cont) (p.39)
-FrontPage software link (p.39)
-Website suggestions and discussion (cont) (p.40)
-Website entry page pic vote (p.40)
-Tengwar and Font link (p.40)
-Website suggestions and design (cont) (p.41)
-Website library page update (p.41)
-Tengwar and font link (cont) (p.41)
-Website design (cont) (p.42)
-Website design (cont) (p.43)
-Avatars on the website (p.43)
-Club Motto in Sindarin (p.43)
-Website design (cont) (p.44)
-Welcome to Maciliel (p.44)
-Webite design (cont) (p.45)
-Club Motto in Tengwar Font link (p.45)
-Website design (cont) (p.46)
-Flash Animations (p.46)
-Flash (cont) (p.47)
-Webiste (cont) -Archives and Disclaimers (p.49)
-Website (cont) - Disclaimers (p.50)
-Website (cont) - Faerie Door (p.52)
-Website (cont) - Guestbook (p.53)
-Website (cont) - ( membership and addmittance) (p.54)
-Fair Weather Friends (p.54)
-Fair Weather Friends (cont) (p.55)
-Mellonath Legolas (p.55)
-Fair weather Friends and Club Admittance (cont) (p.56)
-Mellonath Legolas (cont) (p.56)
-Website discussion (cont) (p.62)
-Legolas Timeline (p.63)
-Legolas Timeline (cont) (p.64)
-Thread Catalogue link (p. 64)

Flotsam and Jetsam (Miscellaneous)
-Elven cloaks (p.26)

-Elven cloaks (cont.) (p.27)
-Howitzers (Rohan campaign spin off) (p.27)
-Luthien's club member descriptions (p.28)
-Luthien's descriptions (cont.) (p.29)
-Luthien's description of club members (cont.) (p.32)
-Personal opinions (p.34)
-Sailing Ships and Sea Longing (p. 42)

-Sailing Ships and Sea longing (cont) (p.43)
-Finrod Thread discussion (p.58)
-Finrod Thread discussion (cont) (p.59)
-Finrod Thread discussion (Athrabeth) (cont) (p.60)
-Finrod Thread discussion (cont) (p.61)
-Finrod Thread discussion (cont) (p.62)

Fun and NO-THUD
-Rain's Smilies! (p.3)

-LoTR humour (p.6)
-Long white knives (p.7)
-LoTR cartoon (p.9)
-"Thudding" (p.12)
-Experimental sociology (p.13)
-LoTR humour link (p.13)
-Infamous waterfall pic. link (p.15)
-Legolas/Bloom popularity discussion (p.16)
-Eomer the dummy (p.17)
-Rohan campaign begins (p.17)
-Rohan campaign (cont.) (p.18)
-Rohan campaign (cont.) (p.19)
-Rohan campaign (cont.) (p.20)
-Rohan campaign (cont.)~(Where Ranger defends Eomer!) (p.22)
-Rohan campaign (cont.) (p.23)
-Rohan campaign (cont.) (p.24)
-FoL baiting (p.33)
-Rain's list of thread addictions (p.34)
-Rain's Legolas cartoon image (p.36)
-Rain's Elf smilie (p.40)
-Angel pic link (p.41)
-Angel pic (cont) (p.42)
-Flamingos (p.43)
-Flamingos (cont) (p.44)

-Super Secret Diary of Legolas and Diaries link (p.46)
-Secret Diary of Legolas cartoon (p.46)
-Super Secret Diaries (cont) (p.47)
-Super Secret Diaries (cont) (p.48)
-Super Secret Dairies (cont) (p.48)
-Elven Chastity (p.48)
-Gollum Reincarnated? (p.48)
-Gollum Reincarnated? (cont) (p.49)
-Gollum Reincarnated? (cont) (p.50)
-LoTR Humour link (Haldir Potter) (p.50)
-50th Page Celebration! (p.50)
-50th Page Celebration (cont) (p.51)
-Gollum Reincarnated? (cont) (p.51)
-Bard Meets the Professor (Elanor's Sonnet) (p.52)
-Bard Meets the Professor (cont) (p.53)

-Still the Prettiest (p.56)
-Still the prettiest (cont) (p.57)
-Still the Prettiest (cont) (p.59)
-Still the Prettiest (cont) (p.60)
-Still the Prettiest (cont) (p.63)
-Coup d'Etat (p.63)

General Discussions
-General discussion (p.7)

-General discussion (p.10)
-General discussion (p.11)
-General discussion (p.12)
-General discussion (p.13)
-General discussion (p.14)
-General discussion (p.15)
-General discussion (p.21)
-General discussion (p.23)
-General discussion (p.26)
-General discussion (p.30)
-General discussion (p.32)
-General discussion (p.33)
-General discussion and teasing!!! (p.34)
-General discussion (p.42)
-General discussion (p.43)
-General discussion (p.44)
-General discussion (p.48)
-General discussion (p.49)
-General discussion (p.50)
-General discussion (p.51)
-General discussion (p.52)

-General discussion (p.54)
-General discussion (p.56)
-General discussion (p.57)
-General discussion (p.58)
-General discussion (p.62)

General Elvish issues
-Elvish nature (p.5)
-Silmarillion discussion (p.5)
-Elvish nature (cont.) (p.8)
-Elves in Aman (p.8)
-Elvish emotions (p.9)
-Elves in Faerie (p.19)
-Elven Fading (p.19)
-Elven songs (p.28)
-Elvish ears (p.32)
-Elf ears (cont.) (p.33)

-Legolas in Rivendell (p.2)
-Legolas and potential siblings (p.3)
-Hair Colour (p.3)
-Legolas' age (p.4)
-Legolas and Gimli's friendship (p.5)
-Legolas and Gimli (cont.) (p.6)
-Telepathy and shipbuilding (p.6)
-Legolas and Gimli sail West (p.7)
-Legolas' farewell to Aragorn (p.8)
-Legolas' Song to the Sea (p.8)
-Favourite Legolas moments (p.9)
-Sea longing (p.11)
-Hair colour (cont.) (p.14)
-Legolas the gardener (p.15)
-Personal descriptions of Legolas (p.16)
-Legolas descriptions (cont.) (p.18)
-Legolas' accomplishments (p.18)
-Legolas as Tolkien saw him (p.19)
-Legolas the Elf-Lord (p.19)
-Legolas as leader (p.20)
-Thranduil's heir (p.20)
-Father and son (p.20)
-Legolas as leader (cont.) (p.21)
-Father and son (cont.) (p.21)
-Legolas as leader (cont.) (p.24)
-Legolas' heritage (p.24)
-Compilations of Legolas descriptions (cont) (p.25)
-Elvish appearance (Legolas Vs. Aragorn) (p.25)
-Compilation of Legolas descriptions (cont.) (p.26)
-Legolas as leader (cont.) (p.26)
-Legolas' heritage (cont.) (p.26)
-Elvish appearance (Legolas Vs. Aragorn) (cont.) (p.26)
-What makes Legolas #1 (p.26)
-Legolas' appearance (cont) (p.27)
-Legolas as one of the Nine (p.27)
-Legolas' appearance (cont.) (p.28)
-Legolas as one of the Nine (cont.) (p.28)
-Mallondwen's Legolas poem (p.28)
-Legolas as one of the Nine (cont.) (p.29)
-Thranduil's heir (cont.) (p.29)
-Legolas as one of the Nine (cont.) (p.30)
-Legolas' friendship with Aragorn (p.30)
-Legolas' friendship with Aragorn (cont.) (p.31)
-Legolas' friendship with Aragorn (cont.) (p.32)
-Confrontation in Lorien (p.32)
-Ithildin's LoTR movie Legolas illustration link (p.32)
-Legolas' friendship with Aragorn (cont.) (p.33)
-Confrontation in Lorien (cont.) (p.33)
-Legolas' appearance (cont) (p.34)
-In the spirit of Legolas Greenleaf~image gallery link (p.35)
-Legolas gallery (cont) (p.36)
-Rain's Legolas cartoon image (p.36)
-Luthien's sonnet (p.37)
-Ithildin's personal Legolas illustration link (p.37)
-Legolas gallery (cont) (p.38)
-Legolas' appearance (cont) (p.44)
-Legolas and wine (p.46)
-Legolas and Wine (cont) (p.47)
-Luthien's Legolas Pic. link (p.53)
-Legolas/Finrod discussion (p.54)
-Legolas/Imrahil/Faramir comparisons (p.54)
-Legolas/Finrod discussion (cont) (p.55)
-Legolas/Imrahil/Faramir comparisons (cont) (p.55)

Scrolls of Lore
-Fencing discussion (p.9)

-Fencing lesson #1 (p.10)
-Fencing lesson #3 (p.27)
-Fencing discussion (p.29)
-Rapier combat (p.31)
Gemstones (p.8)
-Gemstones (cont.) (p.9)
-Sindarin and Silvan tongues (p.1)

-Links to linguistic sites (p.1)
-Doriathin language link (p.5)
-Melethril (p.6)
-Bored Vs. Born (p.10)
-Bored Vs. Born (cont.) (p.11)
-Bored Vs. Born (cont.) (p.12)
-Sindarin dictionary link (p.13)
-Elven Wordsmiths link (p.13)
-Horse riding lessons (p.4)

-Horse riding lesson #1 (p.5)
-Horse riding lesson #2 and discussion (p.9)
-Horse riding lesson #3 (p.29)
-Stargazing and links (p.3)
-Stargazing (cont.) (p.4)

Sub-creation (writing and art)
-Ithildin's Elves wallpaper (p.12)

-Ithildin's Thranduil illustration link (p.19)
-Mallondwen's Legolas poem (p.28)
-Bardic traditions (p.31)
-Ithildin's LoTR movie Legolas illustration link (p.32)
-Luthien's sonnet (p.37)
-Ithildin's personal Legolas illustration link (p.37)
-Luthien's sonnet (cont) (p.38)
-Robert Burns Poem (p.42)
-Bard Meets the Professor (Elanor's Sonnet) (p.52)
-Luthien's Legolas Pic. link (p.53)
-Luthien's pic. (cont) (p.55)
-Maciliel's fanfic (p.55)
-Maciliel's Fanfic (cont) (p.56)
-Maciliel's Fanfic (cont) (p.57)

-Thranduil (p.3)

-Ithildin's Thranduil illustration link (p.19)
-Father and son (p.20)
-Father and son (cont.) (p.21)
-Name of Thranduil's Kingdom (speculation) (p.45)
-Thranduil's Kingdom (cont) (p.46)
-Thranduil's Kingdom (cont) (p.47)
-Thranduil's Kingdom (cont) (p.48)

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