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Cottage of Lost Play |
Welcome to Cottage of Lost Play, where songs are sung, tales are told, and scrolls of lore are kept. Glir-i-Thawarwaith, Songs of the Woodpeople, is devoted to creative writing; Scrolls of Lore contain links to research articles.
And... a new project has just been started. The Tale of Years or simply Timeline aims at combining recorded facts of Legolas' life with creative art devoted to and inspired by him.
Elven Prince, do not depart! You are the Essence of my heart O fair of face and bright of eyes Of thee I dream beneath the skies so full of stars in shining bliss They laugh and tremble as you kiss me on the brow, and turn away You ride due West at break of day My darkened soul takes comfort light It hopes and wishes for the night when moon is full and trees awake They whisper as the hidden take to sleeping realms of mortal Men And slender hands clasp mine again.
By Luthien Undomiel
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by Michael Martinez
by Michael Martinez
detailed description of contents of HoME I-XII and UT
by Ninni M.Pettersson
Ithildin's summary derived from "Laws and Customs of the Eldar"
Ithildin's thoroughly worked-through and ambitions attempt to provide a description of Legolas' life |  |
Slide show: Sundering of the Elves
This is not exactly about Legolas, but at any rate, about Elves of his clan - coming soon!
LoTR film reviews:
Elanor Gamgee's review of FoTR. Detailed, personal and nasssty, my precioussss
Elanor's review of TTT. Slightly shorter than the previous, but just as nasssty
Kirinki's review of TTT. Considerate and balanced.
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Disclaimer: This collection of fan fiction is written because its authors have an abiding love for the works of J R R Tolkien. The characters, settings, places, and languages used in this work are the property of the Tolkien Estate, Tolkien Enterprises, except for certain original characters which belong to the authors of the said work. The authors will not receive any money or other remuneration for presenting the work on this site. The work is the intellectual property of the respective author, is available solely for the private enjoyment of the readers, and may not be copied or redistributed by any means without the explicit written consent of the respective author.