White Facts - mostly from Appendix B LOTR,
including a few additional details from text of books
Yellow theoretical conclusions or events that are only theoretically connected to Legolas
Cyan events that do not directly involve Legolas
Dob: Unknown
*Age estimated: according to Watchful Peace theory: TA 2063 2460
2941 Dwarves captured and imprisoned in Mirkwood.
The Battle of Five Armies (*estimated age: 481 - 878 )
(2956 Aragorn and Gandalf meet
3009 Gandalf and Aragorn renew their hunt for Gollum at intervals over the next 8 years)
3017 Gollum captured by Aragorn in the Dead Marshes and brought to Thranduil in Mirkwood.
3018 June 20th . Approximate date when Thranduil is attacked and Gollum escapes
(*estimated age: 558 - 955)
August all trace of Gollum is lost.
October 25 (?) - Legolas arrives in Rivendell (?- exact date unknown)
October 25 Council of Elrond
Scouts leave 25th & 26th for various destinations including Mirkwood
December 25 Fellowship leaves Rivendell at dusk
3019 January 8 - Company reaches Hollin
11-12 Snow on Caradras
13 - Attack by wolves, Company reaches Moria Gate
14 Night in Hall 21
15 Bridge of Khazad-dum, fall of Gandalf
17 Company reaches Lórien
February 16 Farewell to Lórien
23 boats attacked at night near Sarn Gebir,
Legolas shoots down flying Nazgul
25 Company passes Argonath & camp at Parth Galen
26 Breaking of the Fellowship: death of Boromir,
Merry & Pippin captured
27 Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas reach west-cliff at sunrise.
Aragorn finds Pippins elven brooch near noon
30 They meet Éomer on Plains of Rohan, ride to Fangorn,
March 1 Aragorn, Legolas & Gimli (hereafter referred to as the Group) meet
Gandalf the White & set out for Edoras
2 Gandalf & Group come to Edoras, Theoden healed
3 The Group goes with Théoden to Helm, battle begins
4 The Group & Théoden set out for Isengard
5 The Group & Théoden reach Isengard at noon,
reunited with Merry & Pippin
Gandalf sets out with Pippin for Minas Tirith
6 The Group meets Dúnedain in early hours,
Théoden leaves for Harrowdale, then later,
Group leaves for Dunharrow
7 The Group (w/Dúnedain) reaches Dunharrow at nightfall
8 Paths of the Dead at daybreak, Stone of Erech at midnight
9 Group travels from Erech to Calembel,
Darkness begins to flow from Mordor
10 - the Dawnless Day, The Group crosses Ringlo
11 The Group travels from Linhir to Lebenin
12 The Group drives enemy towards Pelargir
13 The Group reaches Pelargir and captures fleet
15 - Battle of the Pelennor
(Battle under the trees in Mirkwood. Thranduil repels the forces of Dol Guldur.)
16 (Debate of the Commanders) Legolas and Gimli visit Merry & Pippin
18 Host of the West marches from Minas Tirith
19 Host reaches Morgul-vale
23 the Host passes out of Ithilien, Aragorn dismisses the faint-hearted
24 - Host camps in the Desolation of the Morannon
25 the Host is surrounded on the Slag-hills. Passing of Sauron.
Return to Ithilien (exact date unknown)
28 Destruction of Dol Guldur begins in Mirkwood
April 6 Day of the New Year of the Elves,
Meeting of Celeborn and Thranduil, Mirkwood renamed: Eryn Lasgalen
April 8 Ringbearers honored on the Field of Cormallen
May 1 Crowning of King Elessar
June Fellowship remains in Minas Tirith
Mid Years Day Wedding of King Elessar and Arwen
July 19 Funeral escort of King Théoden sets out
August 7 Escort comes to Edoras
10 Funeral of King Théoden
14 guests take leave of King Éomer
18 Arrive in Helms Deep, Legolas and Gimli tour the glittering caves
22 Come to Isengard, the travelers take their separate paths.
Legolas and Gimli head for Fangorn
During the following weeks and months:
Ø Legolas and Gimli visit Fangorn Forest
Ø Legolas takes Gimli to Erebor, then
Legolas returns to Mirkwood
Over the following century:
Ø Legolas founds settlement in Ithilien and helps Aragorn rebuild Gondor
Ø Legolas creates beautiful gardens for Faramir
Year F.A. 120 - March 1 Passing of King Elessar
Then Legolas built a grey ship in Ithilien, and sailed down Anduin
and so over Sea; and with him, it is said, went Gimli the Dwarf.
By Ithildin