Club Charters:
1. Thou shalt not thud
2. Thou shalt not drool
3. Thou shalt have fun
4. Peter Jackson IS NOT J.R.R.Tolkien
Corollary: Orlando Bloom IS NOT Legolas
5. Club Members reside in Mortal Lands. Invitation to Middle-earth and/or Blessed Realm (with or without return) is accepted with gratitude.
6. Official working language of the Club is English. Languages of Middle-earth and Blessed Realm are accepted. Black Speech is not accepted.
7. Official Club colours are green and brown. Raiment of these colours as Club Members clothing of choice is encouraged.
8. Club Members are not obliged to practise archery, sword fighting, harping, communication of thought (osanwe) and/or bareback horse riding. These activities are nevertheless encouraged.
9. Wearing spectacles and/or contact lenses by Club Members is not discouraged.
10. Club Members may have individual ideas of Legolas appearance. Discussions concerning his hair colour may be carried out should Club Members find the topic amusing. Consensus is not expected. (See the Code of Conduct)
11. Image of Legolas created by Jackson/Lee (dirty-blonde wig and dark-blue eyes, i.e. dark brown with blue contacts) is accepted but not encouraged. Braids are not accepted unless voted in favour by the majority of the Founders. (Elanor always votes against)
12. Club Members express their eternal gratitude to J.R.R:Tolkien