Text Submission Guidelines
I would draw some of the great tales in fullness, and leave many only places in the scheme, and sketched. The cycles should be linked to a majestic whole, and yet leave scope for other minds and hands, wielding paint and music and drama. J. R. R. Tolkien, Letters
The text below is approved by all members of Mellonath Legolas as guidelines for our own work as well as for fiction we welcome on our site:
Please keep in line with "Tolkien spirit". It does not mean you are expected to copy Tolkien's style; on the contrary, your author individuality is a precious contribution. Still, be familiar with the main principles Tolkien employed while creating his world. In other words, make your texts well researched.
Please refrain from excessive amorous details. Explicit descriptions may do just fine in certain context, yet we do not believe they can contribute to understanding/development of Tolkien characters, and therefore we consider them redundant. Please note that slash (same-sex pairing fiction) is never accepted.
Please refrain from profanity. Let Orcs in LoTR be role models for your foul-mouthed characters.
Legolas Greenleaf, as created by Tolkien, is the main point of our research as well as creative efforts. We would appreciate your texts to have some connection with the character.
If your text is devoted to Orlando Bloom's impersonation of Legolas, please make sure that you keep in line with "Tolkien spirit" nonetheless. LoTR movie is never taken as a gospel, and in case of contradictions between the movie and Tolkien's text preference is always given to the text.
Technical part (how to submit). Please, contact Rain, the Club postmaster and send your text file as an attachment. Your text shall be forwarded to all the Club members; if for some reason we cannot approve it unanimously, we shall vote. As usual, majority wins.
Just a few words in conclusion: Tolkien has written precious little of Legolas. We love the character too much and we cannot bear it; that is why we are filling the gaps. As Tolkien and Lewis used to say, "They write too little of what we want to read. We have to write it ourselves."